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Organic" is not a trend, it is a lifestyle and a necessity for healthier, happier living.

We, Long Life for Organic Herbs & Spices,


We are a company that recognizes the importance of organic farming to our country as well as to the whole people of the world.


Our company involved long time ago in the sector of planting, processing, packing and exporting Herbs & spices. The owners of "Long Life" are ones of the pioneers who started the organic farming in Egypt (more than 20 years ago).


We are promoting organic goods that are grown in the rich soil of the Egypt's Upper Egypt


We are proud to present certified, organic products that are full of flavor and nutrients. “Long Life Herbs & Spices” supports its growers by ensuring that our business structure is based on principles of sustainable development.


We know the importance of the sunshine and sunshine is what we got, So eat healthy and encourage the Organic Egyptian Products.



Mission & Vision


Our Mission :

Provide the local & international markets with a high quality organic Herbs & Spices

(Inspected & Certified)


Our Vision:

Everyone in the world deserve a healthy Organic Products